Principales publications depuis 2020

Alter G, Mandemakers K, Vézina H (2023) Introduction: Content, Design and Structure of Major Databases with Historical Longitudinal Population Data. Historical Life Course Studies, 13, 228-234.

Anderson-Trocmé L, Nelson D, Zabad S, Diaz-Papkovich A, Kryukov I, Baya N, Touvier M, Jeffery  B, Dina C, Vézina H, Kelleher J, Gravel S (2023) On the Genes, Genealogies, and Geographies of Québec. Science, Vol 380, No. 6647 (25 May): 849-855,

Rakesh M, Vézina H, Laprise C, Freeman EE, Burkett K, Roy-Gagnon MH (2023) GENLIB: new function to simulate haplotype transmission in large complex pedigrees. Bioinformatics, 39, 3, btad136,

Gagnon L, Moreau C, Laprise C, Vézina H, Girard SL (2023). Deciphering the genetic structure of the Quebec founder population using genealogies. European Journal of Human Genetics.

Tarride S, Maarand M, Boillet M, McGrath J, Capel E, Vézina H, Kermorvant C (2023). Large-scale genealogical information extraction from handwritten Quebec parish records. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).

Tremblay M, Vézina H (2022) Les origines ancestrales et le patrimoine génétique de la population québécoise. In V Piché, C Le Bourdais, R Marcoux, N Ouellette (dir.) Les enjeux sociaux sous l’éclairage de la démographie, Presses de l’Université de Montréal. p.109-121

Labuda D, Harding T, Milot E, Vézina H (2022) The effective size of immigrant founders predicts their long-term demographic outcome: From Québec settlers to their 20th century-descendants. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0266079.

Burkett KM, Rakesh M, Morris P, Vézina H, Laprise C, Freeman E, Roy-Gagnon MH (2022) Correspondence between genomic- and genealogical/coalescent-based inference of homozygosity by descent in large French-Canadian genealogies. Frontiers in Genetics 12: 808829.

Bournival JS, St-Hilaire M, Vézina H (2021) Historical Canadian censuses and Quebec civil registers: An assessment of linked datasets to compare population microdata.  Histoire sociale / Social History, 54, 110: 145-172

Bchetnia M, Bouchard L, Mathieu J, Campeau PM, Morin C, Brisson D, Laberge AM, Vézina H, Gaudet D, Laprise C (2021). Genetic burden linked to founder effects in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean illustrates the importance of genetic screening test availability. Journal of Medical Genetics, 58: 653-665.

Vézina H, Bournival JS (2020) An overview of the BALSAC database: past developments, current state and future prospects. Historical Life Course Studies, 9: 114-129.

Gauvreau D, Vézina H, Bellavance C (2020) Enracinement et renouvellement des populations urbaines au Québec : l’exemple de Trois-Rivières, 1852-1911. Sharing Spaces: Essays in Honour of Sherry Olson. Robert Sweeny (Ed.) Ottawa: Canadian Museum of History and University of Ottawa Press, Mercury Series History Paper 59. p.67-88

Harding T, Milot E, Moreau C, Lefebvre JF, Bournival JS, Vézina H, Laprise C , Lalueza-Fox C, Anglada R, Loewen B, Casals F, Ribot I, Labuda D (2020) Historical human remains identification through maternal and paternal genetic signatures in a founder population with extensive genealogical record. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171, 4: 645-658









Professeure au département des sciences humaines et directrice du Projet BALSAC