Gestion des cultures nordiques / Northern Crops Management
- Bradley, R.L., P.-L. Chagnon, J. Lafond, M.C. Paré et V. Penaud. 2021. Trait-based and phylogenetic filtering of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under long term agricultural practices. Plant and Soil.
- Deslauriers, A., L. Garcia, G. Charrier, V. Buttò, A. Pichette et M.C. Paré. 2021. Cold acclimation and deacclimation in wild blueberry: direct and indirect influence of environmental factors and non-structural carbohydrates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108349
- Fournier, M.-P., M.C. Paré, V. Buttò, S. Delagrange, J. Lafond et A. Deslauriers. 2020. How plant allometry influences bud phenology and fruit yield in two Vaccinium species. Annals of Botany. 126(5) : 825-835.
- Marty, C., J.-A. Lévesque, R.L. Bradley, J. Lafond et M.C. Paré. 2019. Lowbush blueberry fruit yield and growth response to inorganic and organic N fertilization when competing with two common weed species. PloS ONE. 14(12) : e0226619.
- Marty, C., J.-A. Lévesque, R.L. Bradley, J. Lafond et M.C. Paré. 2019. Contrasting impacts of two weed species on lowbush blueberry fertilizer nitrogen uptake in a commercial field. PloS ONE. 14 (4) : e0215253.
- Tremblay, C., A. Deslauriers, J. Lafond, J. Lajeunesse et M.C. Paré. 2019. Effects of soil pH and fertilizers on Haskap (Lonicera caerulea) vegetative growth. Agriculture. 9 : 56.
- Girona, J., J.-A. Lévesque, M. Bellemare, R.L. Bradley et M.C. Paré. 2019. A call for improving winter windbreak design for lowbush blueberry production in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region of Québec, Canada. International Journal of Fruit Science. 19 : 165-178.
- Lévesque, J.-A., R. Bradley, M. Bellemare, J. Lafond et M.C. Paré. 2018. Predicting weed and lowbush blueberry biomass using the point intercept method. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 98 : 967-970.
- Paré, M.C, J. Legault, A. Pichette, C. Tremblay & M.-F. Aubut. 2018. Canadian goldenrod residues and extracts inhibit the growth of Streptomyces scabiei, the causal agent of potato common scab. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 40 : 70-75.
Pédologie / Soil Pedology
- Marty, C., J. Piquette, É. Dussault-Chouinard, H. Morin, N. Thiffault, D. Houle, R.L. Bradley, R. Ouimet, M. Simpson, et M.C. Paré. 2020. Canopy nitrogen addition and soil warming affect conifer seedlings’ phenology but have limited impact on soil N mineralization in boreal forests of eastern Canada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Doi : 10.3389/ffgc.2020.581363.
- Marty, C., J. Piquette, H. Morin, D. Bussières, N. Thiffault, D. Houle, R.L. Bradley, M. Simpson, R. Ouimet et M.C. Paré. 2019. Nine years of in situ soil warming and topography impact the temperature sensitivity and basal respiration rate of the forest floor in a Canadian boreal forest. PloS ONE. 14(12) : e0226909.
- Paré, M.C., P.-L. Chagnon, J. Plourde et Legendre-Guillemin. 2019. Apatite stimulates the deposition of glomalin-related soil protein in a lowbush blueberry commercial field. Agriculture. 9 : 52.
- Paré, M.C. et A. Bedard-Haughn. 2013. Does the quality of organic matter influence mineralization and GHG emissions in Cryosols? A field-based study of Sub- to High Arctic soils. Global Change Biology. 19 : 1126-1140.
- Paré, M.C. et A. Bedard-Haughn. 2013. Surface soil organic matter qualities of three distinct Canadian Arctic sites. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 45 : 88-98.
- Paré, M.C. et A. Bedard-Haughn. 2012. Landscape-scale N mineralization and greenhouse gas emissions in Canadian Cryosols. Geoderma. 189-190 : 469-479.
- Paré, M.C. et A. Bedard-Haughn. 2011. Optimum liquid density in separation of the physically uncomplexed organic matter in Arctic soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 91 : 65-68.
Enseignement / Teaching
- Krzic M., F.L. Walley, A. Diochon, M.C. Paré et R.E. Farrell. 2021. Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science. Canadian Society of Soil Science. 662 pages.
- Whalen J., N. Ziadi, J. Schoenau, M.C. Paré, D. Burton et T. Bruulsema. 2021. Soil Nutrient Cycling. Dans : Krzic et al. éds. Digging into Canadian Soils : An Introduction to Soil Science. Canadian Society of Soil Science. 234-277 pages.
- Krzic, M., T. Yates, N. Basiliko, M.C. Paré, A. Diochon et M. Swallow. 2018. Introductory soils courses: A frontier of soil science education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 98 : 343-356.