

  • BÉDARD, L.P. Larouche, J. Hudon, P. (2008) 
    Guide d’identification des minéraux. Broquet, Saint-Constant (QC), 208 pp.     Lien
  • BÉDARD, L.P. Larouche, J. Hudon, P. (2009)
    Guide éclair: Minéraux. Broquet, Saint-Constant (QC), 20 pp.     Lien

Publications arbritrées

  • Back, A.L., BÉDARD, L.P., Maitre, J., Bouchard, K. (2023). From Rocks to Pixels: A Protocol for Reproducible Mineral Imaging and
    its Applications in Machine Learning. Minerals (sous presse 27 décembre 2023).
  • Legros, H., Van Weelderen, N., Dare, S. Higgins, M., Savard, D., BÉDARD, L.P. (soumis). Multiple stages of Nb-(REE) remobilization revealed by apatite geochemistry: 35 Ma magmatic-hydrothermal gap at the Saint-Honoré deposit (Quebec, Canada). Mineralium Deposita.
  • Savard, D., Dare, S., BÉDARD, L.P.,  Barnes, S.-J. (2023). Mapping Protocol Using a Fast Response Funnel for Laser Ablation Coupled to a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (LA-FF-ICP-TOF-MS) for the Fast, Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple Minerals. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 47: 243-265.
  • Latif, G., Bouchard, K., Maitre, J., Back, A., Bedard, L.P. (soumis). A framework for Microscopic Grains Segmentation and Classification for Minerals Recognition using Hybrid Features. Pattern Analysis and Applications.
  • Soltanmohammadi A., Grégoire M., Fontaine FJ, BÉDARD LP, Blanchard M, Rabinowicz M, Melt (2022)
    Percolation, Concentration and Dyking in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume and Overriding Lithosphere: Links to the Evolution of Lava Composition along the Volcanic Chain, Journal of Petrology, Volume 63, Issue 1, January 2022, egab101,
  • G Latif, K Bouchard, J Maitre, A Back, LP Bédard (2022)
    Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Mineral Grain Segmentation and Recognition. Minerals 12 (4), 455
  • Boivin, J.-F., BÉDARD, L.P., Longuépée, H. (2021). Counting a pot of gold: a till golden standard. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 229: 106821.
  • Soltanmohammadi, A., Grégoire, M., Ceuleneer, G., Benoît, M., BÉDARD, L.P., Gouy, S., Rabinowicz, M. (2021). The origin of potassic magmatism in the Salavat Range (NW Iran): insight into the melts hybridizing in compaction pockets recorded by macro-phenocyrstals in lavas. Journal of Petrology 67: egab031.
  • Duran, C., Barnes, S.-J., Mansur, E., Dare, S., BÉDARD, L.P., Sluzhenikin, S. (2020). Magnetite Chemistry by LA-ICP-MS Records Sulfide Fractional Crystallization and Sulfide-Silicate/Fluid Interactions in Massive Ni-Cu-PGE Ores from the Noril’sk- Talnakh Mining District (Siberia, Russia). Economic Geology 115: 1245-1266.
  • Desroches, D., BÉDARD, L.P., Lemieux, S., Esbensen, K.H. (2019) Representative sampling and laboratory processing for quartz raw material quality monitoring with a HHXRF at a ferrosilicon plant. Minerals Engineering.
  • Maitre, J., Bouchard, K. BÉDARD, L.P. (2019) Mineral Grains Recognition: an Application in Mining Exploration based on Image Processing and Machine Learning. Computers and Geosciences 130: 84-93.
  • Néron A, BÉDARD LP, Gaboury D (2018). The Saint-Honoré carbonatite REE zone, Québec, Canada: Combined magmatic and hydrothermal processes. Minerals 8(9), 397.
  • Desroches, D., BÉDARD, L.P., Lemieux, S., Esbensen, K.H. (2018) Suitability of using a handheld XRF for quality control of quartz in an industrial setting. Minerals Engineering 126: 36-43.
  • Linge, K., BÉDARD, L.P., Bugoi, R., Enzweiler, J., Jochum, K.P., Kilian, R., Liu, J., Marin-Carbonne, J., Merchel, S., Morales, L.F.G., Rollion-Bard, C., Souders, A.K., Sylvester, P. & Weise, U. 2017. GGR Biennial Critical Review: Analytical Developments Since 2014. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 41:493-562.
  • Tremblay, J., BÉDARD, L.P., Matton, G. (2017) Columbitization of fluorcalciopyrochlore by hydrothermalism at the Saint-Honoré alkaline complex, Québec (Canada): new insights on halite in carbonatites. Ore Geology Review 91: 695-707.
  • BÉDARD LP, Esbensen KH, Barnes S-J (2016) An empirical approach for estimating reference material heterogeneity and sample minimum test portion mass for ‘nuggety’ precious metals (Au, Pd, Ir, Pt, Ru). Analytical Chemistry 88 :3504-3511.
  • Wiedenbeck W, BÉDARD LP, Bugoi R, Horan M, Linge K, Merchel S, Morales LFG, Savard D, Souders AK, Sylvester P (2014) Critical Review of Analytical Developments Since 2012. Geostds Geoanaly Res. 38: 467-512.
  • BÉDARD LP & Néron A (2014) Spatial geochemistry: A characterisation of heterogeneity in reference materials Geostds Geoanal Res. 38: 177-188. DOI: 1111/j.1751-908X.2013.00255.x
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Barnes, S.-J. (2011) 
    How fit is your data? Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 34: 275-280.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Linge K.L. (2010) 
    Neutron Activation Analysis, Atomic Absorption, Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectra and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Review for 2008-2009. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 34: 343-352.
  • Barnes, S.-J. Savard, D., BÉDARD L.P. et Maier, W. (2009)  
    Selenium and sulfur concentrations in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa and implications for formation of the platinum-group element deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 44: 647-663.
  • Savard, D., BÉDARD, L.P. et Barnes, S.-J. (2009).
    Selenium Concentrations in Twenty-Seven Geological References Materials: New Determinations and Proposed Values. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 33: 249-259.
  • BÉDARD, L.P., Longuépée, H. et Savard, D. (2009).  
    Raising public awareness of geological heritage at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Geoscience Canada, 36, p. 112-114.
  • Hergt J.M., BÉDARD L.P., Brueckner S.M., Jochum K.P., Linge K.L., Sylvester P.J., Wiedenbeck M., et Woodhead J.D. (2008).  
    GGR Critical Review of Analytical Developments in 2006-2007, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 32, p. 397-398.
  • BÉDARD L.P. (2008) 
  • Neutron Activation Analysis, Atomic Absorption and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Review for 2006-2007 Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 32, p. 399-403.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. , Savard D., and Barnes, S.-J. (2008). 
    Total sulphur concentration in geological reference materials by elemental infrared analyzer. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 32: 203-208.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 2007. 
    L’activation neutronique : tonique ou archaïque?. Dans La mesure du passé : contributions à la recherche en archéométrie (2000-2006) edited by Allison Bain, Jacques Chabot and Marcel Moussette. Série archéométrie No 5, CÉLAT, Université Laval, Archeopress BAR international series 1700.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 2006.
    Neutron Activation Analysis, Atomic Absorption and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Review for 2004-2005. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 30: 183-186.
  • Hergt J.M., BÉDARD L.P., Deloule E., Linge K.N., Sylvester P.J., Wiedenbeck M. and Woodhead J.D. (2006) 
    GGR critical review of analytical developments in 2004 and 2005. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 30.
  • Savard, D., BÉDARD, LP, Barnes, S-J (2006) 
    TCF Selenium Preconcentration in Geological Materials for Determination at sub-ug/g with INAA (Se/TCF-INAA). Talanta, 70: 566-571.
  • Hergt, J, BÉDARD, LP, Deloule, E, Wiedenbeck, M, Woodhead,JD (2005)  
    GGR Annual Review of Analytical Developments in 2003. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 29: 5-52.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. Barnes S.-J. 2004. 
    Improved Platinum-Group Element Extraction by NiS Fire Assay from Chromitite Ore Samples Using a Flux Containing Sodium Metaphosphate. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 28(2): 311-316.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 2003. 
    Book review of : REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS – Certification, Availability and proper usage. M. Stoeppler, W.E. Wolf, P.J. Jenks (eds) Wiley-VCH Weinheim 2001. ISBN 3-527-30162-3, xxv + 297 pp. 109 Euros}. Journal of Chemometrics, 17: 358-359.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Barnes S.-J. 2002. 
    Comparison of N-type semi-planar and coaxial INAA detectors for 33 Geochemical reference samples. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 254: 485-497.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Barnes S.-J. 2002. 
    A comparison of the capacity of FA-ICP-MS and FA-INAA to determine platinum-group elements and gold in geological samples Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 254: 319-329
  • Flem, B. et BÉDARD L.P. 2002. 
    Determination of trace elements in BCS CRM 313/1 (BAS) and NIST SRM 1830 by ICP-MS and INAA. Geostandards Newsletter The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis 28: 287-300.
  • BÉDARD, L.P., Baker, D.R. and Machado, N. 1997. 
    A new technique for the synthesis of geochemical reference samples for laser ablation-ICP-MS analysis of zircons. Chemical Geology 138: 1-7.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. and Ludden, J.N. 1997.
    Nd-Isotopes of Archaean plutonic rocks from the Southeastern Superior Province. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34: 286-298.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1996.
    Archean High-Mg monzodiorite plutonic suite: A reevaluation of the parental magma and differentiation. The Journal of Geology 104: 713-728.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1996. 
    Reevaluation of the homogeneity of REE, Th and U in reference zircon 61.308B. Geostandards Newsletter 20: 289-293.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1994.
    Graphical comparison of geochemical results. Geostandards Newsletter, 18: 101-103.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1993. 
    Injections multiples de magma dans un conduit nourricier : implications sur le remplissage des plutons et l’extraction des magmas. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, 30: 124-131.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1993 
    Significance of enclave roundness: an inherant characteristic? Journal of Geology, 101: 121-125.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. and Chown, E.H. 1992. 
    The Dolodau dykes, Canada: an example of an Archaean carbonatite. Mineralogy & Petrology, 46: 109-121.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Lapointe, B. 1991. 
    Le réchauffement de la Terre: Changement naturel ou Effet de l’activité humaine?. Geoscience Canada, 18: 99.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. 1990. 
    Petrogenesis of mantle-derived, LILE enriched Archean monzodiorites and trachyandesites (sanukitoids) in south-western Superior Province: Discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 27: 1135.
  • BÉDARD, L.P. et Barnes S.-J. 1990.
    Instrumental neutron activation analysis by collecting only one spectrum: results for international geochemical reference samples. Geostandards Newsletter, 14: 479-484.
  • Sawyer, E.W. et BÉDARD, L.P. 1991.
    Melt segregation and migration. EOS, American Geophysical Union, 72: 588.

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Professeur titulaire à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi