
Richard, D., Rafini, S. & Walter J. (soumis). Geochemical exploration for gold using groundwater in the deep Canadian Shield, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis.

Richard, D., Rafini, S. & Walter J. (2024). Natural metal contents in saline groundwaters in the deep Canadian Shield: base level versus mineral deposits enrichment halos, Applied Geochemistry.

Méité, D., Chesnaux, R., Rafini, S., & Ferroud, A. (2024). Using transient hydraulic tests and the radius of influence equation to detect and locate hydraulic objects in aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal.

Rafini, S., Chesnaux, R., Lompe, K. M., Barbeau, B., Claveau-Mallet, D., & Richard, D. (2023). Modeling the fate of viruses in aquifers: Multi-kinetics reactive transport, risk assessment, and governing parameters. Science of The Total Environment, 903, 166276.

Méité, D., Chesnaux, R., Rafini, S., & Ferroud, A. (2023). Characterizing the radius of influence during pumping tests using the absolute critical drawdown criterion: Cases of integer flow dimensions. Journal of Hydrology, 618, 129096.

Méité, D., Rafini, S., Chesnaux, R., & Ferroud, A. (2022). Review of Petroleum and Hydrogeology Equations for Characterizing the Pressure Front Diffusion during Pumping Tests. Geosciences, 12(5), 201.

Ferroud A., Chesnaux R. & Rafini S. (2019) Drawdown log-derived analysis for interpreting constant-rate pumping tests in inclined substratum aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal, 27 (6), 2279-2297

Ferroud A., Rafini S. & Chesnaux R. (2019) Using sequential flow dimension to interpret non-uniform aquifers with pumping-tests: a review, Journal of Hydrology X

Bedeaux P., Rafini S., Pilote P. & Daigneault R. (2018) Modelling seismically-induced mesothermal goldfields along the deep-rooted Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault, Abitibi, Canada, Geofluids, ID 9479528,

Bedeaux P., Mathieu L.. Pilote P., Rafini S. & Daigneault R (2018) Origin of the Piché Structural Complex slivers within the Archean crustal-scale Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault Zone: implication for the evolution of the Abitibi Subprovince, Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55(8): 905-922,

Bedeaux P., Pilote P., Daigneault R. & Rafini S. (2017) Synthesis of the structural evolution and associated gold mineralization of the Cadillac Fault, Abitibi, Canada, Ore Geology Review, 82:49-69

Rafini S., Chesnaux R. & Ferroud A. (2017) A numerical investigation of pumping-test responses from contiguous aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal, 25(3):877-894

Ferroud A., Chesnaux R. & Rafini S. (2017), Insights on pumping well interpretation from flow dimension analysis: The learnings of a multi-context field database, Journal of Hydrology. 556, 449-474

Richard S., Chesnaux R, Rouleau A., Morin R., Walter J., & Rafini S. (2014) Field evidence of hydraulic connections between bedrock aquifers and overlying granular aquifers: examples from the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield, Hydrogeology Journal, 22(8):1889-1904.

Chesnaux R., Rafini S. & Elliott A.P. (2012) A numerical investigation to illustrate the consequences of hydraulic connections between granular-type and fractured rock-type aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal, 20(8):1669-1680

Rafini S. & Larocque M. (2012) Numerical modelling of horizontal and inclined faults hydraulic signatures, Hydrogeology Journal, 20(2):337-350

Rafini S. & Larocque M. (2009) Insights from numerical modeling on the hydrodynamics of non-radial flow in faulted media, Advances in Water Resources, 32:1170-1179.

Mercier E., Rafini S. & Ahmadi R. (2007) The “hinge migration” question, a review. Folds kinematics in “fold and thrustbelts”, In Thrustbelts and Foreland Basins : Lacombe J. L. & F. Roure & J. Vergès, Ed. Springer: Berlin, p. 135.

Ahmadi R., Ouali J., Mercier E., Mansy J. L., Lanoë B. V. V., Launeau P., Rhekiss F., & Rafini S. (2006) The geomorphologic responses to hinge migration in the fault-related folds in the Southern Tunisian Atlas, Journal of Structural Geology, 28(4):721-728.

Rafini S. & Mercier E. (2002) Forward modelling of foreland basin progressive unconformities, Sedimentary geology, 146:75-89.

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