Hamid Mcheick, Ph.D.
Professeur titulaire au département d’informatique et de mathématique/ Full professor of computer science department (Lien Personnel)
Intérêts de recherche / Research interests
- Design Context-aware pervasive and intelligent architectural framework
- Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
- Health Care Systems, e-Health
- Software architecture for intelligent systems
- Emerging architectures: Cloud, Fog, OpenFog, CoFog, Mobile Edge, Mobile Cloudlet, Serverless, Clustering Computing, Internet of Things (IoT)
- Mobiles Applications, Distributed Systems, Internet technologies
- Development and reuse of software components using object, aspect, component & service/microservices
- CRSNG (NSERC) – Canada
- CRSNG (NSERC) – Industriel SEP, Modélisation et simulation des évènements complexes (par exemple, gestion de catastrophes naturelles), Hamid Mcheick & Karam Mustapha, UQAC-Quebec City, Canada
- MITACS – Globalink, UQAC-Mediterranean Institute of Technology – MedTech (Tunisia), Project title: Modèle de prévention de maladies basé sure l’IA et l’Internet des objets (IoT), Hamid Mcheick (UQAC); Sehl Mellouli & Rim Haddad (Université Laval, Canada); Karim Zbidi & Noura Mathlouthi (MedTech, Tunisia)
- FUQAC – Conception d’un modèle ontologique préliminaire d’asthme, Catherine Laprise; Hamid Mcheick & Hicham Ajami, UQAC, Chicoutimi, Canada
- FUQAC – Internet of Things IoT Model for smart area, Hamid Mcheick, Djamal Rebaine & Ghassan Fadlallah, UQAC, Chicoutimi, Canada
- FCI – LATECE, UQAM, Montréal, QC, Canada
- PAIR – UQAC – Québec, Canada
- CRIM (Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal)
- FQRNT-CRIM (Québec-Canada)
Faits Saillants (Highlights)
- Guest Editor : Special Issue Internet of things (IoT) for Smart Living and Public Health, Future Internet Journal (MDPI), 2022-2023
- Guest Editor : Special issue : IoT-Power in 21st Centuray: Developing New IoT Smart Frameworks, Platforms and Systems, Applied Sciences, éImpact factor 2.838, 2022.
- Co-editor of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy for 2022
- Senior IEEE Member
- Coordinator par interim of Groupe Research Informatique GRI, UQAC
- Excellent Research: Three Thesis of Ph.D. students (Karawash 2015, Hannech 2018, Ajami 2020), UQAC
- Editor of many journals around the world in computer science, software engineering, and Emerging architectures (Cloud, Egde, Fog, Mobile Edge Computing, IoT)
- Editor (Book): N. Jeyanthi, Ajith Abraham, and Hamid Mcheick, Ubiquitous Computing and Computing Security of IoT, Publisher: Springer, Cham. Copyright: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, ISSN: 2197-6503, ISBN: 978-3-030-01565-7. Part of the Studies in Big Data book series (SBD, volume 47), 2019.
- Chapter Book: Towards Intelligent Distributed Computing: Cell-Oriented Computing, Springer Book Chapter, Book Title: Computational Intelligence Applications in Modeling and Control, 2015
- Chapter Book: Smart Cities and Resilience Plans A Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Extreme Event Rescuing, Springer Book chapter, book title: Smarter as the New Urban Agenda: A Comprehensive View of the 21st Century City, 2016.
- Quality-of-Service Data Warehouse for the Selection of Cloud Services: A Recent Trend, Springer Book Chapter, Book title: Cloud Computing: Challenges, Limitations and R&D Solutions, 2014
- Simultaneous Analysis of Big Multi-Network Data by Mapping their Graphs into Data Model. Springer Book Chapter, Book title: Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments, 2014.
- Cloud as a Major Catalyst of Change in Contemporary Business Environment, Book chapter, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Book title: Business Intelligence and Mobile Technology Research: An Information Engineering Perspective, 2014.
- Intelligent Web Based on Mathematics Theory (Best paper), Springer Book Chapter, Book title: Springer’s Studies in Computation Intelligence, 2013
- MSpace: An Emergent Approach, Modelling and Exploring Mutable Business-Entities, Book chapter InTech, Book title: Mobile Computing Book InTech, 2012
Outils et données
- Design ontology of Chronicle Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD
- First steps of design Asthma ontology
- Data of COVID-19 – a dataset that contains 1897 records (used to validate M. Ennab research)
- Scheduling Tool: Algorithms for Internet of Thing IoT, done in the thesis of Ghassan Fadlallah
- Connectivity of Internet of Things (IoT) using Lora, Wifi, Wifi-Direct, Bluetooth, done in the thesis of Ghassan Fadlallah
Keynote speakers
- Speaker: Healthcare context-aware system for chronic diseases, Standard community of research IEEE SA P1752.2, CardioRespiratory Subgroup Meeting, March 3, 2022
- Speaker: Context-aware pervasive healthcare system for COPD, ResmiQ, Journée de l’Innovation des Recherche JIR2022, Mars 3, 2022
- Speaker: Context-aware pervasive healthcare system for COPD, Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre (MBMC) & Concordia University, January 27, 2022
- Speaker: Context-aware pervasive healthcare system for COPD, in the International Conference on COPD and Asthma, 21-22 September 2021, Paris, France
- Speaker: Health Informatics framework for COPD disease, in the Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral health and Psychiatry, 21-23 October, 2021
- The IEEE 2021 International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNet 2021), September 22-23, 2021, present the article: D2D Communication: COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application Using Wi-Fi Direct
- Speaker : Context-aware adaptation healthcare framework for COPD, in the Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Epidemiology.
- Speaker : Context aware pervasive healthcare framework, in the 4th International Conference on Critical Care& Emergency Medicine : Precision Medicine Public Health, June 25-27, 2021, London, UK.
- Speaker: Context-aware COPD adaptation system, 8th International Conference on COPD and Lung Health, Paris, France, October 7-8, 2021.
- Membre du Centre Intersectorial en Santé Durable (CISD), UQAC, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada
- Membre LAboratoire de Recherches Transdisciplinaires sur les ÉCosystèmes InformatiquEs (member of Transdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Computer Ecosystems) LATECE (UQAM), Quebec, Canada
- Guest Editor: Journal Applied Sciences – MDPI, 2021, 2022
- Co-Editor of the journal (JTDE, 2021): Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy
- Editor in Chief in Bentham Journal : Recent Patents on Computer Science
- Editor in Chief: Journal of Emerging in Computing and Information Sciences.
- Guest Editor Chair of IJCNDS Journal: Cloud Computing.
- Chair of Biomedical and Health Informatics tracks in CCECE-IEEE 2015
- Program committee of ETT CASCON 2014 (IBM): Emeerging Technolgies Track CASCON2014
- Steering committee member (comité aviseur) MCETECH 2015, Springer
- Program Chair In International Conference of Cloud Computing and Big Data, IEEE 2013
- Editorial Board Member: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research JTAER. 2010-2013
- Co-chair in Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE).
- Co-chair (track): International Conference on Communications and Information Technology ICCIT.
- Groupes de recherche : GRI (UQAC), GELOG (ETS)
- Senior Member IEEE, Membre ACM, CMC Member (Canadian microelectronics)
- Guest Editor Chair of IJCNDS Journal: Service-Oriented Computing and Separation of Concerns and Member of Committee of Journal IJAHUC
- Vice Chair des conferences: ICOMP, PDPTA, SERP, and SWWS
(WorldComp), etc. - Editorial Board Members of IJCNDS
- Editorial Advisory Board of Recent Patents on Computer Science (Bentham Science Publishers)
- Members of Program & Organizing Committee of SERP (WORLDCOMP)
- Publicity Chair of AICCSA’2010
- Program Committee member of the Symposium on Security and Multi-modality in Pervasive Environment (SMPE)
- ICEIS 2008, Spain (membre du comité de programme)
- ICSNC 2007, France (Comité du programme), ICSNC 2008
- SECURWARE 2007, Valencia, Spain (Membre du comité du programme)
- Membre du comité de programme: ICSOFT 2009-Belgaria, ICSOFT 2008, ICSOFT 2007-Spain; ICSOFT 2006-Portugal
- ICIW 2007-Mauritius and ICIW2006-USA (membre du comité de programme)
- CIS2E 2007, USA (membre du comité de programme)
- CIS2E 2006, New York, USA (membre du comité de programme)
- ICSEA 2007,Cap Esterel, French Riviera, France (membre du comité de programme)
- IARIA conferences : Publicity Board Member of ICSNC 2007, ICSEA 2007, etc. (International Academy, Research and Industry association)
- ITA2007, Wrexham, North Wales, UK (Session Chair et membre du comité de programme)