Chapitres de livre

  1. Karam Mustapha, Hamid Mcheick & Sehl Melouli. “Smart Cities and Resilience Plans A Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Extreme Event Rescuing”. Springer, Smarter as the New Urban Agenda: A Comprehensive View of the 21st Century City. Editors: J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Theresa A. Pardo, and Taewoo Nam, Texas, USA, pp. 149-170, Vol. 11, 2016.
  2. Ahmad Karawash, Hamid Mcheick & Mohamad Dbouk. “Towards Intelligent Distributed Computing: Cell-Oriented Computing,” Computational Intelligence Applications in Modelling and Control. Chapter 17, Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11017-2_17, Series Title:Studies Comp.Intelligence, Vol. 575, ©Springer International Publishing Switzerland,
  3. Ahmad Karawash, Hamid Mcheick & Mohamad Dbouk (chapter). “Quality-of-Service Data Warehouse for the Selection of Cloud Services: A Recent Trend”. Cloud Computing: Challenges, Limitations and R&D Solutions. Editor Mahmood Zaigham. ©Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
  4. Ahmad Karawash, Hamid Mcheick & Mohamad Dbouk. “Simultaneous Analysis of Big Multi-Network Data by Mapping their Graphs into Data Model.” Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments, Editors: N. Bessis and C. Dobre (eds.), Chapter 30, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05029-4_10, vol. 546, pp. 243-257, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
  5. Atif Farid Mohammad, Hamid Mcheick & Emanuel S. Grant (chapter). “Cloud as a Major Catalyst of Change in Contemporary Business Environment,” published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Business Intelligence and Mobile Technology Research: An Information Engineering Perspective, Edited by S.B. Eom & M. Laouar, New Castle Tyne, United Kingdom, 2014.
  6. Ahmad Karawash, Hamid Mcheick & Mohamad Dbouk (Best chapter). “Intelligent Web Based on Mathematical Theory, Case Study: Service Composition Validation via Distributed Compiler and Graph Theory.” Springer’s Studies in Computation Intelligence, SCI 493, Editor Roger Lee (Ed.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 201-213, Japan, 2013.
  7. Mohamad Dbouk, Hamid Mcheick & Ihab Soubeity (chapter). “MSpace: An Emergent Approach, Modelling and Exploring Mutable Business-Entities,” Mobile Computing Book InTech – Open Access Publisher, ISBN 978-953-51-0432-2, April 2, 2012.