Résumés & Conférences / Abstracts & Conference Proceeding
Barnes, S-J. Mansur E.T., Maier W.D. and Prevec, S.A. 2023 Trace element concentrations in chromite from layered intrusions: Implications for the formation of massive chromite layers. GAC-MAC Sudbury May.
Barnes, S-J. Mansur E.T. and Savard, D. Minor and trace element contents of chromite from komatiites and picrites as petrogenetic indicators. GAC-<AC Sudbury May.
Barnes, S-J., Maier W.D. Mansur E.T., and Prevec, S.A What can the composition of chromite tell us? 14th International Pt Symposium Cardiff July.
Savard, D. Dare, S. Bedard, L.P. , Barnes, S-J. and Petrus, J.A. 2023 Progress Towards micrometer-3D Analysis Using a femtosecond-LA-ICP-TOF-MS System Goldschmidt 2023 Conference,
Barnes, S-J. 2021 Critical metals found in magmatic ore deposits: Ni, Cu, Co, PGE, Te and V. Critical Minerals: From Discovery to Supply Chain, Nov 2021, Organized by GSC.
Barnes, S-J. 2021 Formation of Magmatic Ni Ore Deposits and Implications for Exploration 13th Fennoscanian Exploration and Mining Conference Nov 2-4.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Mansur Eduardo T., Pagé Philippe, Meric Julien and Arguin Jean-Philippe. 2020. Major and trace element compositions of chromites from the Stillwater, Bushveld and Great Dyke intrusions compared with chromites from komatiites, boninites and large igneous provinces. 14th International Nickel Symposium and Naldrett Memorial, Pt 1 4-11 September 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOuPyiMG…
Barnes Sarah-Jane and Mansur Eduardo T. 2020. Distribution of Te, As, Be, Sb and Se (TABS in mafic and ultramafic lavals: Implications for crustal assimilation. sulfide segregation and magma degassing. GSA 2020 Connects Online Paper No. 241-6 30 October 2020
Mansur Eduardo T. and Barnes Sarah-Jane. 2020. Modelling of the distribution of Te, As, Bi, Sb, Sn (TABS) and Se in the Merensky Reef and the implication for PGE collection mechanisms in magmatic sulfide deposits.: 14th International Nickel Symposium and Naldrett Memorial, Pt 1 4-11 September 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-I8SuHX…
Mansur Eduardo T. and Barnes Sarah-Jane. 2020. Trace elements in pyrrhotite, pentlandte, chalcopyrite and pyrite from magmatic sulfide deposits: an overview. Dans : 14th International Nickel Symposium and Naldrett Memorial Pt 1 4-11 September 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2FoC6eD…
Mansur Eduardo T, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Duran C, 2020. An overview of chalcophile element contents of pyrrhotite, pentlandte, chalcopyrite and pyrite from magmatic Ni-
Cu-PGE deposits. GSA, 2020 Connects Online Paper No. 216-1, 29 October 2020 ,
Barnes, Sarah-Jane, 2019. (keynote) A Comparison of Platinum-Group Element Deposits. GAC-MAC Quebec City, Canada.
Dare, SAS, Bethell E, and Barnes S-J. 2019 Constraining the formation of Fe-Ti-VP deposits using trace elements in Fe-Ti oxides: insights from the chemostratigraphic variation of magnetite and ilmenite in the Upper Zone of the Bushveld Igneous Complex – GAC-MAC-IAH Québec City 2019.
Mansur, E., Barnes, S.-J., Duran, C. 2019, How does pentlandite form? New constraints from the distribution of highly siderophile elements in pentlandite. GAC-MAC Quebec City
Arguin, J.-P, Pagé, P. Barnes, S.-J. and Girard, R. 2018. The titanomagnetite deposit of the Lac Doré Complex (Québec): mineralogical features affecting the purity of vanadium-rich magnetite concentrates. GAC-MAC Vancouver.
Barnes, S-J., Pagé, P., and Zientek, M. 2018. Chalcophile element distribution in the lower banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA. 13th International Platinum Symposium Abstract Volume, p. 7-8, Polokwane, South Africa June 30-July 4
Barnes, S-J., Pagé P. and Zientek, M. 2018. Lithophile whole-rock geohemsitry in the Ultramafic and Lower Banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA. Wager and Brown Workshop on Layered Intrusions, Polokwane, South Africa. June 27-29
Duran C., Dubé-Loubert H., Pagé P., Barnes S-J., Roy M. and Savard D. 2018 Using sulphide indicator mineral chemistry for ore discrimination and targeting in the Churchill Province, northern Quebec, Canada. GAC-MAC, Vancouver.
Maier, W.D., Halkoaho, T., Huhma, H., Hanski, E., and Barnes, S-J. 2018. Origin of PGE reefs in the Penikat Intrusion, Finland. 13th International Platinum Sympoisum, Abstract Volume, p. 123-124, Polokwane, South Africa June 30-July 4
Mansur, E.T., Barnes S-J., Duran, C. 2018 A LA-ICP-MS study of the massive sulfides from the Noril’sk-Talnakh mining district: Implications for the behaviour of Te, As, Bi, Sb and Sn during evolution of the sulfide liquid. Goldschmidt Boston.
Mansur, E.T., Barnes, S.-J., and Duran, C. 2018 The role of tellurium, arsenic, bismuth, tin and antimony (TABS) in concentrating platinum-group elements during fractionation of sulphide liquid: A LA_ICP-MS study of sulphide minerals from the Noril’sk-Talnakh mining district 13th International Platinum Symposium Abstract Volume, p. 125-126 Polokwane, South Africa June 30-July 4.
Mansur, E.T., Barnes, S.-J., and Duran, C. 2018. Textural and compositional evidence for the formaiton of pentlandite by peritectic reation in massive sulphides of the Kharaelakh Intrusion., Polar Siberia. 13th International Platinum Symposium Abstract Volume, p. 127-128 Polokwane, South Africa June 30-July 4
Arguin, J-P., Pagé P., Girard, R., and Barnes, S-J. 2017. The spatial variation of mineralogy in the vanadiferous magnetite deposit of the Lac Doré Complex (Chibougamau, Québec) and its implications on the chemical purity of magnetite concentrates. Mineral Resources to Discover – 14th SGA Biennial Meeting 2017, Québec City, Vol. 4: pp. 1491-1494.
Barnes, S-J. 2017. Chalcophile element concentrations in magmatic nickel sulphide deposits. Mineral Resources to Discover – 14th SGA Biennial Meeting 2017, Québec City, Vol. 2: pp. 515-517.
Cave, B.J., Barnes, S-J., Sack, P.J., Pitcairn, I.K., Johnson, S.C., and Kuikka, H. 2017. Semi-metal and base metal mobility in the metasedimentary contact aureole surrounding the Dublin Gulch reduced intrusion-related gold system (RIRGS), Yukon, Canada. Mineral Resources to Discover – 14th SGA Biennial Meeting 2017, Québec City, Vol. 4: pp. 1277-1280.
Duran, C.J., Barnes, S-J, Pleše, P., Prašek, M.K., Pagé, P., and Zientek, M.L. 2017. Processes controlling the distribution of Te, As, Bi, Sb, and Sn, and the formation of platinum-group minerals in sulphide ores in the Noril’sk mining district (Russia) Mineral Resources to Discover – 14th SGA Biennial Meeting 2017, Québec City, Vol. 2: pp. 439-442.
Maier, W.D., Halkoaho, T., Huhma, H., Hanski, E., and Barnes, S-J. 2017. Petrogenesis of PGE reefs in the Penikat intrusion, Finland. Mineral Resources to Discover – 14th SGA Biennial Meeting 2017, Québec City, Vol. 2: pp. 475-478.
Barnes, S.-J., Pagé P. and Arguin, J.P. 2016 (invited). The role of chromite in the fractionation and collection of PGE. 4th International Highly Sideophile Workshop, Durham UK program with abstracts p.46.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Karykowsky B., 2016. A chilled komatiitic margin of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: implications for the nature of mantle sources. 4th International Highly Sideophile Workshop, Durham UK program with abstracts p.46.
Pagé, P and Barnes S.-J., 2016 (invited). The influence of chromite on the fractionation of Os, Ir, Ru and Rh. Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
Samalens N., Barnes S.-J. and Sawyer E.W. 2016. A model of S and semi-metals contamination of mafic magma by black-shales for the formation of Ni-Cu-Platinum-Group Elements deposits. Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
Wavrant. L.M., Barnes S.-J., Pagé. P., Pearson. N.J., Griffin. W.L. 2016. Extreme Variations in ɣOs, on the Thin Section Scale in Laurites from Chromite Layers from Stillwater Complex: Implications for the Origin of Laurite and the Representativeness of Whole Rock ɣOs. Penrose Confrence, Stillwater Montana.
Barnes, S.-J., 2015 (invited). Platinum-group Element and Associated Trace Elements Distribution in Pyrrhotite, Pentlandite, Pyrite and Chalcopyrite – Implications for the Formation and the Exploration for Magmatic Nickel and PGE Deposits. GAC-MAC, Montreal (Canada), p. 291.
Barnes S.-J., 2015 (invited). The use of trace element contents of sulfide and oxide minerals in petrogenesis and exploration of magmatic ore deposits. Québec Mines, Quebec City.
Barnes S.-J., 2015 (Distinguished Lecturer). Trace Element Contents of Magmatic Sulfide and Oxide Minerals—How Can We Use This Information in Ore Deposits Studies? SEG World-Class Ore Deposits: Discovery to Recovery, Hobart.
Barnes S.-J., 2015. Sulfur Transfer into Mafic Magma from Sediment—Reaction of Sedimentary Sulfides with and into Mafic Magmas. SEG World-Class Ore Deposits: Discovery to Recovery, Hobart.
Barnes S.-J., Pagé P., Prichard H.M., Zientek M., Fischer P.C., 2015. Why are Chromite-rich Rocks Enriched in Os, Ir, Ru and Rh? Constraints from the Stillwater Complex Chromitites. GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada).
Dare S.A.S, Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2015. Trace elements in magnetite as indicators of petrogenesis and provenance. GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada), p. 300.
Duran C.J., Barnes S.-J., and Corkery J., 2015. The use of Pentlandite and Pyrite Compositions for Exploration . GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada), p. 291.
Forien M., Tremblay J., Barnes S.-J., Pagé P., 2015. Analogue experiments to examine the possibility of forming chromite layers by kinetic sieving during slumping of crystal slurry. GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada).
Misson P.J., Barnes, S.-J. and Pagé P., 2015. Remobilization of PGE and Other Chalcophile Elements During metamorphism of the Delta deposit (Raglan Area, Northern Quebec). GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada), p. 300.
Pagé P. and Barnes, S.-J., 2015. Contrasting Os, Ir, Ru and Rh Content between Volcanic and Plutonic Chromites: Petrogenetic and Provenance Tools. GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada), p.292.
Piña R., Gervilla F., Barnes S.-J., Oberthür T. and Lunar, R., 2015. Platinum-Group Element Abundances in Pyrite from the Main Sulfide Zone, Great Dyke, Zimbabwe. SGA, Nancy.
Samalens N., Barnes S.-J. and Sawyer, E.W., 2015. Proterozoic black-shales: a source of sulfur and semi-metals for the formation of Ni-Cu-Platinum-group element deposits. SGA, Nancy.
Wavrant L., Barnes S.-J., Pagé P., Pearson N. and Griffin, W.L., 2015. Extreme Variations in gamma-Os, on the thin section scale in laurites from chromite layers from Stillwater Complex: Implications for the Origin of Laurite and the Representativeness of Whole Rock gamma-Os. GAC-MAC 2015, Montreal (Canada), p.273.
Arguin, J.P., Pagé, P., Barnes, S.-J., Yu S.Y. and Song X.Y., 2014. Os, Ir, Ru and Rh whole rock concentrations controlled by crystallizing chromites from sulfide-poor picritic magma from the Emeishan large igneous province, Southwestern China. GAC-MAC abstract vol., p.12.
Barnes S.-J., Pagé P., Dare S.A.S and Savard, D., 2014. Using the trace element contents of magmatic sulphide and oxide minerals in exploration for and exploitation of magmatic ore deposits. North Atlantic Craton Meeting, St Andrews, Scotland. Keynote, April.
Barnes S.-J., Pagé P., Prichard H.M., Zientek M.L. and Fisher P.C,. 2014. Processes leading to concentration of platinum-group elements in chromite rich rocks. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 26-27.
Duran C.J., Barnes S.-J. and Corkery, J.T., 2014. Sulfide-rich pods from the Lac des Iles Pd-deposits, western Ontario, Canada. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 245-246.
Forien M., Tremblay J., Barnes S.-J. and Pagé, P. 2014. Slumping slurries and kinetic sieving: an experimental study on the chromite cumulate formation. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 59-60.
Henrique-Pinto R., Barnes S.-J., Mehdi S. and Savard D., 2014. Semi-metals concentrations in black shales: The development of a new analytical method – extraction from humic substances. GAC-MAC abstract vol. p. 116.
Layman., Graham I., Cohen S., Gonzalez J.M., Privat K., Belousova E. and Barnes S.-J., 2014. Platinum-group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites of Timor. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 179-180.
Maier W.D., Smithies R.H., Howard H.M., Yang S. and Barnes S.-J., 2014. Mafic and ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Event, Western Australia: Petrogenesis and prospectively for magmatic ore deposits. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 141-142.
Misson P.-J., Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P. 2014. What happened during the metamorphism of Ni-Cu-PGE deposit: The example of the Delta deposit (Raglan area, Northern Quebec). GAC-MAC abstract vol. p. 192.
Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2014. Contrasting osmium, iridium, ruthenium and rhodium behavior in chromite from volcanic and plutonic rocks and the origin of laurite in chromite. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p.144-145.
Pina R., Barnes S.-J., Gervilla F., Ortega L. and Lunar R., 2014. The role of pyrite as carrier of platinum-group elements in magmatic sulfide deposits. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. p. 275-276.
Prichard H.M., Barnes S.-J., Fisher P.C., Pagé P. and Zientek M.L., 2014. PGM in the Stillwater chromitites and implications for the magmatic processes that form the ultramafic part of the Stillwater Complex. 12th International platinum symposium abstract vol. p. 146-147.
Samalens N., Barnes S.-J. and Sawyer E.W., 2014. Proterozoic black shales: A source of S and semi-metals for the formation of Cu-Ni-PGE magmatic deposits. GAC-MAC abstract vol. p. 241.
Barnes S.-J., Dare S.A.S., Pagé P. and Savard D., 2013. In situ determination of trace elements in magmatic sulphides and oxides: Implications for petrogenesis, exploration and exploitation. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Méric J., Néron A., Beaudoin G. and Boutroy, E., 2013. The use of trace elements in Fe-oxides as provenance and petrogenetic indicators in magmatic and hydrothermal environments. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August. Keynote.
Dare S.A.S., Ames D., Lightfoot P.C., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin, G., 2013. Trace elements in Fe-oxides from fertile and barren intrusions: Investigating their use as an exploration tool for Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Beaudoin G., Méric J. and Boutroy, E., 2013 Are the magnetite “lava flows” of El Laco (Chile) magmatic? Comparison of trace elements in magnetite with magmatic Fe-oxide deposits. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting v. 36, p. 85.
Duran C.J., Barnes S.-J., and Corkery, J.T. 2013. Petrogenesis of massive sulphides from the Lac-des-Iles palladium ore deposits, Western Ontario, Canada. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Groves D., 2013. Petrogenesis of the Bushveld Complex and its PGE-Cr-V deposits. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, v. 36, p. 135. Keynote.
Méric J., Pagé P., Houle M. and Barnes S.-J., 2013. New geochemical tool for exploration of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits based on chromite geochemistry from komatiites. PDAC Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3rd March.
Méric J., Pagé P., Barnes, S.-J. and Houlé M.G., 2013. Trace element and PGE content of chromites from komatiites in the Alexo area(Abitibi, Ontario) and implication for exploration: A LA-ICP-MS study. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting v. 36, p. 145.
Misson P.-J., Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P., 2013. Processes affecting massive sulfide lenses at the Delta deposit, Cape Smith Belt, Canada: Implication for the distribution of PGE. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August
Misson P.-J., Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P., 2013. Distribution of PGE and other chalcophile elements in the Delta deposit, Raglan area (QC):Implication for the regional metamorphism and deformation of komatiite hosted Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. PDAC Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3rd March.
Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2013. Chromite composition by LA-ICP-MS: Upgraded petrogenetic and provenance tools, the new generation. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting v. 36, p. 156, Manitoba, Canada, 22nd May.
Pagé P. and Barnes, S.-J., 2013. Improved in-situ determination of PGE concentration of chromite by LA-ICP-MS: Towards a better understanding. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August.
Wavrant L.-M., Barnes S.-J., Savard D., Pagé P. and Poirier A., 2013. Sparging Os into plasma source mass spectrometers: preliminary isotopic ratio of chromite. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August.
Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P., 2012. The composition of the Stillwater and Bushveld parental magmas. 22nd Goldschmidt Conference, 25-29 June 2012.
Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P. 2012. Whole rock geochemistry of the ultramafic and lower banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 16-21 June 2012. Keynote.
Barnes S.-J., Pagé P. and Dare S.A.S., 2012. Trace element contents in magmatic sulphides and oxides. Québec Mines, Québec, November 2012. Invited talk.
Bédard L.P., Néron A. and Barnes S.-J., 2012. Defining a minimum analytical mass in geological reference samples using mXRF mapping capacity. Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Boutroy E., Dare S.A.S., Beaudoin G. and Barnes S.-J., 2012. Minor and trace element composition of magnetite forming Ni-Cu-PGE deposits worldwide and its application to mineral exploration. GAC-MAC meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 2012.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2012. Variation in trace element content of magnetite crystallized from fractionating sulfide liquid. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 18–19 June 2012.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Beaudoin G. and Méric, J., 2012. Are the magnetite lava flows of El Laco magmatic? Comparison of trace elements in magnetite with other magmatic Fe-oxide deposits. 22nd Goldschmidt Conference, Montréal, Canada, 25–29 June 2012.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Beaudoin G. and Méric, J., 2012. Magnetite and ilmenite from igneous deposits: Ni-Cu sulfide deposits and Ti-V-P deposits, associated with layered intrusions and anorthosite complexes. Invited talk 22nd Goldschmidt Conference, Montréal, Canada, 25–29 June 2012.
Duran C.J., Barnes S.-J. and Corkery J.T., 2012. Les sulfures massifs du complexe du Lac-des-Iles, Ontario, Canada. Quatrième journée De Launay, ACFAS. Montréal, Canada, 8-9 May 2012.
Duran C.J., Barnes S.-J. and Corkery, J.T., 2012. Massive sulfides from the Lac-des-Iles ore deposits, Ontario, Canada. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China,18–19 June 2012.
Méric J., Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2012. The use of trace elements in Fe-oxides in deducing the fractionation history of a silicate magma: A LA-ICP-MS study. 22ndGoldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada,25–29 June 2012.
Méric J., Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Houle. M., 2012. Geochemical study of trace element and PGE contents of chromites in komatiites from the Alexo region (Abitibi, Ontario): Preliminary results. Québec Mines, Québec, November 2012.
Misson P.-J. and Barnes S.-J., 2012. Impact du métamorphisme sur le distribution des éléments chalcophiles dans les sulfures massifs exemple du gisement Delta, Cape Smith, Québec, Canada. Quatrième journée De Launay, ACFAS. Montréal, Canada, 8-9 May 2012.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Zientek M.L., 2012. Formation and evolution of the chromitites of the Stillwater Complex: A trace element study. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 16–21 June 2012.
Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2012. Tracking the parental melt of chromite using trace elements from LA-ICP-MS: an effective tool for chromite provenance. 22nd Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, 25–29 June 2012.
Patten C., Barnes S.-J. and Mathez E.A., 2012. Siderophile and chalcophile elements distribution in MORB sulphide droplets: Determination of new sulphide melt-silicate melt partition coefficients and early sulphide crystalisation history. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 18–19 June 2012.
Pina R., Gervilla F., Barnes S.-J., Ortega L. and Lunar R., 2012. Partition coefficients of platinum-group and chalcophile elements between arsenide and sulfide phases as determined in the Beni Bousera Cr-Ni mineralization (NorthMorocco). 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 18–19 June 2012.
Savard D., Barnes S.-J., Dare S.A.S. and Beaudoin G., 2012. Improved calibration technique for magnetite analysis by LA-ICP-MS. 22nd Goldschmidt Conference, Montréal, Canada, 25–29 June 2012.
Wavrant L.M., Barnes S.-J. and Pagé P. 2012. Processus de formation des chromitites dans les intrusions litées par l’étude du couple isotopique Re-Os. Quatrième journée De Launay, ACFAS, Montréal, Canada 8-9 mai 2012.
Barnes S.-J., Maier W.D. and Curl E., 2011. Composition of the marginal rocks of the Rustenburg Layered Series, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. 11th SGA Biennial Meeting Chile, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September.
Barnes S.-J., Maier W.D. and Curl E., 2011. Is the platinum in the Bushveld Complex derived from the lithospheric mantle? Goldschmidt – Min. Mag, vol. 75 (3).
Bédard L.P., Esbensen K.H. and Barnes S.-J., 2011. PGE reference material heterogeneity – Estimating minimum analytical mass. Goldschmidt – Min. Mag, vol. 75 (3).
Dare S.A.S, Barnes S.-J., Prichard H. and Fisher P., 2011. Formation of platinum-group minerals from an evolving sulfide liquid at Sudbury, Canada. Goldschmidt – Min. Mag, vol. 75 (3).
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2011. Evolution of trace element concentrations in magnetite from a fractionating magmatic sulphide liquid: An example from the Sudbury (Canada) Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. 11th SGA Biennial Meeting Chile, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Zientek M.L., 2011. Formation and evolution of the chromitites of the Stillwater Complex: A trace element study. 11th SGA Biennial Meeting Chile, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September.
Dare S.A.S. and Barnes S.-J., 2011. The origin of platinum-group elements in accessory pyrite from magmatic sulfides from a Sudbury Ni-Cu-PGE deposit. GAC-MAC meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
Queffurus M. and Barnes S.-J., 2011. New measurements of selenium and sulfur concentration in country rocks of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota, USA, and implications for the formation of Theni-Cu-PGE deposits. 25th IAGS (International Applied Geochemistry Symposium), Finland, August 2011.
Queffurus M. and Barnes S.-J., 2011. The use of S/Se ratios in magmatic-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits and its implications for exploration. 57th ILSG (Institute on Lake Superior Geology), Ashland, USA, May 2011.
Patten C., Barnes S.-J. and Mathez E.A., 2011. Concentration of chalcophile and siderophile elements in MORB sulphide droplets: New sulphide melt-silicate melt partition coefficients. GAC-MAC meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
Patten C., Barnes S.-J. and Mathez E.A., 2011. Concentration of chalcophile and siderophile elements in MORB sulphide droplets: New sulphide melt-silicate melt partition coefficients. Goldschmidt – Min. Mag. Vol. 75 (3).
Pyle D.M., Collins S., Maclennan J., Barnes S.-J. and Upton B., 2011. Two phases of sulphide saturation in reunion magmas: Evidence from cumulates. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstracts 1 (5).
Barnes S.-J. and Gomwe T.S., 2010. Composition of the Lac-des-Iles magma and implications for the origin of the ore. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Barnes S.-J. and Dare S.A.S., 2010. Pd diffusion into pentlandite evidence from laser ablation. 20th Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. A54, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Bédard L.P., Barnes S.-J. and Savard D. 2010. Sulfide and oxide reference materials for LA-ICP-MS. 20th Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. A67, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Prichard H.M., 2010. Platinum-group element(PGE)-bearing pyrites in pyrrhotite-rich sulfides from McCreedy and Creighton Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits, Sudbury, Canada. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Djon M.L.N., Barnes S.-J. and Gomwe T.S., 2010. Contrasting Pd-bearing phases from the mineralized zones of the Lac-des-Iles Complex (Ontario, Canada). 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Maier W.D., Peltonen P., Kontinen A. and Barnes S.-J., 2010. PGE in the Jormua ophiolite, Finland: Implications for the PGE budget of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. 20th Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. A658, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Groves D.I., 2010. Formation of Bushveld Peres’s due to magma chamber subsidence and mobility of cumulate slurries. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Muñoz C.M. and Barnes S.-J., 2010. Distribution of platinum-group elements in the Hinterland’s Ebay claim, central part of the Bell River Complex, Matagami, Québec, Canada. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2010. Trace elements in chromites from the Thetford ophiolites. 20th Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. A785, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Patten C., Barnes S.-J. and Mathez E.A., 2010. Platinum-group elements and chalcophile elements content in sulphide droplets from MORB glass. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Piña R., Barnes S.-J., Gervilla F., Ortega L. and Lunar R., 2010. PGE distribution in the Aguablanca Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, Spain: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS. 20th Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. A817, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Piña R., Gervilla F., Barnes S.-J., Ortega L., Martínez-Frías J. and Lunar R., 2010. Platinum-group element concentrations in pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Aguablanca Ni-Cu ore deposit (Southwest Spain). 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Queffurus M. and Barnes S.-J., 2010. The use of S/Se ratios in magmatic-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Raju P.V.S., Barnes S.-J., Savard D. and Beaudoin G., 2010. Using magnetite as an indicator mineral, Step 1: Calibration of LA-ICP-MS. 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury, Canada, 21-24 June.
Savard D., Barnes S.-J. and Perumala Venkata S.R., 2010. Accurate LA-ICP-MS calibration for magnetite analysis using multiple reference materials. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, p. A914, Knoxville, United States, 13-18 June.
Barnes S.-J., Savard D., Bédard L.P. and Maier W.D., 2009. Selenium and sulfur in the Bushveld Complex: Implications for the formation of the platinum-group element deposits. International Ni-Cu (Pt) DepositSymposium, Xi’an, China, 18-20 June, Short course notes, p. 176-177.
Barnes S.-J. and Dare S.A.S., 2009. Contrasting platinum-group element and chalcophile element contents in pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite from different environments. GAC-MAC-AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, 24-27 May.
Bédard L.P. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. How fit is your data? International Association of Geoanalysts Meeting, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 7-11 September.
Bédard L.P., Savard D. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. Can micro-XRF do a poor’s man micro-probe? International of Geoanalysts Meeting, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 7-11 September.
Dare S.A.S. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. The origin of Pd in pentlandites from Creighton mine, Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, Sudbury, Canada. International Ni-Cu(Pt) Deposit Symposium, Xi’an, China, 18-20 June.
Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M. and Fisher P.C., 2009. Mineralogical host phases for the PGE in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits at the Creighton mine, Sudbury, Canada. 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Fredericton, New Brunswick (Canada), 1-9 June.
Dare S.A.S, Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M. and Fisher P.C., 2009. The distribution of platinum-group elements and other chalcophile elements among mineral phases of the Ni-Cu-PGE deposit of Creighton mine, Sudbury, Canada: A quantitative mass balance. GAC-MAC-AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, 24-27 May.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J., Zientek M.L., Prichard H.M. and Fisher P.C., 2009. IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) are not in chromite. International Ni-Cu (Pt) Deposit Symposium, Xi’an, China, 18-20 June.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J., Zientek M.L., Prichard H.M. and Fisher P.C., 2009. IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) are not in chromite. 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Fredericton, New Brunswick (Canada), 1-4 June.
Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. Chromite does not control IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru). GAC-MAC-AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto,24-27 May.
Savard D., Bédard L.P., Meisel T. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. Comparison between nickel-sulfur-fire-assay, Te-Co-precipitation and isotopic dilution with high-pressure techniques for determination of platinum-group elements, rhenium and gold. International Association of Geoanalysts annual meeting, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 7-11 September.
Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M., Cox R.A., Fisher P.C., Maier W.D., McDonald I. and Andreoli M.A.G., 2008. Siderophile and chalcophile element concentrations in pyrrhotite and pentlandite from the Morokweng chondritic meteorite and implications for platinum-group element reef-type deposits. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting Québec, Canada, 26-28 May.
Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M., Cox R.A., Fisher P.C., Maier W.D., McDonald I. and Andreoli M.A.G., 2008. Siderophile and chalcophile elements in sulphides from the Morokweng chondritic meteorite and implications for platinum-group element deposits. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, 13-18 July.
Bédard L.P., Savard D. and Barnes S.-J., 2008. What can we learn on sulfur and selenium from geochemical reference materials? Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, 13-18 July. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, p.A66.
Bédard L.P, Savard D. and Barnes S.-J., 2008. Geochemistry of selenium and sulphur: The reference material (RM) perspective. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Québec, Canada, Program with abstracts 32, p.17., 26-28 May.
Godel B., Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 2008. The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex (South Africa): Contribution of X-ray computed tomography, microstructural, geochemical and mineralogical analysis. Australian Earth Sciences Conference, Perth, 20-24 July.
Lafrance N., Barnes S.-J., Cox R. and Maier W.D., 2008. Laser ICP-MS trace element data from orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase of the Lower and Lower Critical zones, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada, 26-28 May.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Livesey T.J., 2008. The Kabanga nickel deposit, western Tanzania. Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Perth, 20-24 July.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Cox R., 2008. Trace elements in chromite from Thetford Mines podiform chromitites: A laser ablation study. GAC-MAC Annual meeting Quebec, Canada, 26-28 May.
Savard D., Barnes S.-J., Bédard L.P. and Cox R., 2008. Étude du comportement géochimique du sélénium dans le Bushveld (Afrique du Sud). GAC-MAC annual meeting, Quebec, Canada, Program with abstracts 32, p.152, 26-28 May.
Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M., Cox R.A., Ficher P.C. and Godel B., 2007. Highly siderophile elements in platinum-group element ore deposits. 17th Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August.
Barnes, S.-J2007. Application of LA-ICP-MS analysis to the formation of Ni-sulfide ore deposits. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, 28-31 October, 132-14.
Bédard L.P., Bernard J. and Barnes S.-J., 2007. Searching for selenium: In situ measurement in base metal sulfides. Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August, Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa A71, 71, p.
Godel B. and Barnes S.-J., 2007. Platinum-group elements in sulphide minerals, platinum-group minerals and the whole rock of the J-M Reef(Stillwater complex): Implication on the formation of the Reef. 9th Biennal SGA meeting, Dublin, United Kingdom, 20-23 August.
Godel B., Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2007. Microtomographical, microstructural and geochemical analysis of the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa): Implication on the formation of the reef 9th Biennal SGA meeting, Dublin, United Kingdom, 20-23 August.
Maier W.D., McDonald I., Peltonen P., Barnes S.-J., Gurney J. and Hatton C., 2007. Platinum-group elements in mantle xenoliths from the Kaapvaal craton. Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August, A614.
Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Cox R.A., 2007. Laser ablation study of trace elements in chromite: Thetford Mines ophiolite chromitite ores. Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August, A748.
Savard D., Barnes S.-J., Bédard L.P. and Cox R.A., 2007. Sulfur/Selenium ratios in Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August, A878.
Tollari N., Barnes S.-J., Nabil H. and Cox R.A., 2007. Trace Elements concentrations in apatites from the Sept-Îles Intrusive Suite -Implications for the genesis of nelsonites. Goldschmidt Conference – “atoms to planets”, Cologne, Germany, 19-24 August, A1027.
Barnes S.-J. and Cox R.A., 2006. The concentrations of highly siderophile and chalcophile elements in sulphide minerals associated with PGE ores. 3rd International Workshop on Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Barnes S.-J., Cox R.A. and Zientek M., 2006. Fractionation of platinum-group elements, Ni, Cu, Ag, Co, Re and Zn during crystal fractionation of a base metal sulphide liquid and subsequent exsolution, examples for Noril’sk, Russia. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract volume 31, p.10.
Bédard L.P., Cox R.A., Barnes S.-J. and Savard D., 2006. In-situ Se determination in sulfides with collision cell technique. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract volume 31, p.13.
Bédard L.P., Cox R.A., Barnes S.-J. and Savard D., 2006. In-situ Se determination in sulfides with collision cell technique. 8th European Workshop on Laser Ablation in Elemental Analysis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, p.24.
Cox R.A. and Barnes S.-J., 2006. A method for in-situ analysis of trace-element variations in sulfides using HEX-LA-ICP-QMS and matrix matched reference materials. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May 2006, abstract volume 31, p.32.
Cox R.A., Barnes S.-J. and Bédard P., 2006. Optimized trace element microanalysis of sulfide minerals by LA-ICP-MS: A multi-stage low volume approach. 3rd International Workshop on Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Dionne-Foster C. and Barnes S.-J., 2006. Geology and Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization in the Frontier zone, Cape Smith Belt, northern Quebec. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract volume 31, p.39.
Godel B., Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2006. Stratigraphic variation of platinum-group element, rhenium, silver, gold, cobalt and zinc in sulphides of the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa). GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract volume 31, p.56.
Godel B., Barnes S.-J., and Maier W.D., 2006. Analysis of 3D distribution of sulphide minerals and microstructures in the Merensky Reef: Implication for ore formation. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract vol. 31, p.56.
Godel B., Barnes S.-J., and Maier W.D., 2006. Platinum-group element, rhenium, silver, gold, cobalt and zinc variations in the sulphides of the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex): Implication on ore formation. 3rd International Workshop on Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry, Program with Abstracts, University of Durham.
Gomwe T.E.S., Barnes S.-J. and Cox R.A., 2006. Parental magma composition of the Lac-des-Iles igneous complex, Ontario, determined by LA-ICP-MS analysis of plagioclase and orthopyroxene. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract vol. 31, p. 57.
Snow C., Barnes S.-J. and Sawyer E.W., 2006. Classification of breccias formed by multi-stage structural and magmatic mechanisms at the Lac-des-Iles Complex, Superior Province, northwestern Ontario. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract vol. 31, p. 141.
Tollari N. and Barnes S.-J., 2006. Rare earth elements in apatites from layered intrusions: New evidences on magma evolution in layered intrusions. Examples from the Bushveld Complex and the intrusive suite of Sept-Îles. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17 May, abstract vol. 31, p. 149.
Tollari N., Toplis M.J. and Barnes S.-J., 2006. Predicting phosphate saturation in silicate magmas: An experimental study of the effects of melt composition and temperature. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 14-17, abstract vol. 31, p. 149.
Barnes S.-J., Cox R.A. and Zientek M.L., 2005. Cobalt, gold and platinum-group element distribution in compositionally zoned sulphide droplets from the Medvezhy Creek mine, Noril’sk, Russia. 10th International Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland, Extended Abstracts, Geol. Surv. Finland, Espoo, 43-46.
Barnes S.-J., Peregoedova A. et Baker D., 2005. Transport de l’or, des éléments du groupe du platine, du nickel et du cuivre dans les vapeurs sulfurées. ACFAS, Programme et Résumés, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Québec.
Barnes S.-J., Peregoedova A. and Baker D., 2005. Transport of Au, platinum-group elements, Ni and Cu in a S-vapor. 15th Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho, Geochmica Cosmochimica Acta Special Supplement Abstracts, 69 (10) A740.
Cox R.A. and Barnes S.-J., 2005. A method for in-situ analysis of trace element variations in sulfides using LA-HEX-ICP-MS. 10th International Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland, Extended Abstracts, Geol. Surv. Finland, Espoo, 62-65.
Cox R.A. and Barnes S.-J., 2005. Analysis of Os et Pb isotope ratios by LA-ICP-MS: Applications to ore genesis and igneous petrogenesis. 15th Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho, Geochmica Cosmochimica Acta Special Supplement Abstracts 69 (10), A375.
Gomwe T. and Barnes S.-J., 2005. Geochemical characteristics of the Roby and Twilight zones of the Lac-des-Iles Complex, Northwest Ontario, Canada, with specific reference to platinum-group elements. 10th International Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland, Extended Abstracts, Geol. Surv. Finland, Espoo, 353-355.
Godel B., Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2005. Determination of 3D distribution of sulphide minerals in the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa) and the J-M Reef (Stillwater Complex, USA)samples using X-Ray computed Tomography: Relation to microstructures. 10th International Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland, Extended Abstracts, Geol. Surv. Finland, Espoo, 349-352.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J., Livesey T., Absom J.P., Manyeruke T., Setshedi I., Dikgole L. and Passaportis L., 2005. Magmatic sulfide deposits and exploration targets in southern and central Africa: An overview. 10th International Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland, Extended Abstracts, Geol. Surv. Finland, Espoo, 182-185.
Tollari N., Toplis M.J. and Barnes S.-J., 2005. Predicting phosphate saturation in silicate magmas: An experimental study of the effects of melt composition and temperature. 15th Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho, Geochmica Cosmochimica Acta Special Supplement Abstracts, 69 (10), A6.
Bachari H. et Barnes S.-J., 2004. La genèse des dépôts de Fe-Ti et V associés aux massifs d’anorthosite du Lac-Saint-Jean et de la Côte-Nord. Journée de Launay, ACFAS, Programme et Résumés, p.45.
Barnes S.-J., 2004. Large igneous provinces as the sites of magmatic(platinum-group element and nickel) ore deposits. Goldschmidt, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 68 11S, A583. Invited talk.
Barnes S.-J., Nabil H., Maier W.D. et Prichard H.M., 2004. Les éléments du groupe du platine dans les oxydes de fer. Journée de Launay, ACFAS Programme et résumés, p.11.
Barnes S.-J., Peregovedova A., Baker D.R. and Maier W.D., 2004. Incongurent melting of monosulfide solid solution and its implications for fractionation of the platinum-group elements during partial melting of the mantle. Eos. Trans. AGU, 85 (17), Joint Assembly Suppl. Abstract V51B-01.
Bédard L.P, Noël J.F. and Barnes S.-J., 2004. Platinum-group element preconcentration by NiS fire-assay; suitable for microbeam techniques? Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85 (17), Joint Assembly Suppl. Abstract V43D-06.
Gomwe T.E.S., Barnes S.-J., Lavinge M.J. and Dionne-Foster C., 2004. Platinum-group element comparison of the Roby and Twilight zones of the Lac-des-Iles Complex, northwest Ontario. GAC-MAC Abstract Vol. 29, p.247.
Gomwe T.E.S., Barnes S.-J., Lavinge M.J. et Dionne-Foster C., 2004. Comparison des éléments du groupe du platine des zones Roby et Twilight, complexe du Lac-des-Iles, Nord Ouest Ontario. Journée de Launay, ACFAS, Programme et résumés, p.55.
Maier W.D., Livesey T.J., Barnes S.-J., Ripley E. and Li C. 2004. The Kabanga Ni-sulphide deposits, Tanzania: Geology and geochemistry. Geocongress Johannesburg, Geological Society of South Africa, July.
Peregovedova A., Barnes S.-J. and Baker D.R., 2004. Role of sulfur vapor on PGE-fractionation processes in Cu-Ni deposits: Experimental study by ICP-MS laser ablation. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85 (17), Joint Assembly Suppl. Abstract V44A-03.
Savard D., Bédard L.P. and Barnes S.-J., 2004. Selenium preconcentration in geological materials for determination at sub-mg.g-1 concentrations. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85 (17), Joint Assembly Suppl. Abstract V51B-10.
Savard D., Bédard L.P. and Barnes S.-J., 2004. Selenium preconcentration in geological materials for determination by INAA at sub-ug g-1concentration. Modern Trends in Neutron Activation Analysis, 11th International Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 33.
Tollari N., Toplis M.J. and Barnes S.-J., 2004. Phosphate saturation in ferrobasaltic magmas: The importance of iron content and oxidation state. Geocongress Johannesburg, Geological Society of South Africa, July.
Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2003. A mass balance of the platinum-group elements for the entire Bushveld Complex. Geological Society of America, September, Abstracts with Programs, 35 (6), 101.
Maier W. D., Barnes S.-J., Gartz V. and Andrew G., 2003. Pt-Pd reefs in magnetites of the Stella layered intrusion, South Africa, a world of new PGE exploration opportunities. Geological Society of America, September, Abstracts with Programs, 35 (6), 100.
Barnes S.-J and Maier W.D. 2002. How do we form platinum-group element deposits? Lessons from the Bushveld Complex. CRPG-CNRS – Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteorite samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes, Nancy, France. 26-28 August. Keynote.
Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D. 2002. Platinum-group elements in the Upper Zone of the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex: Preliminary results from the Bellevue Borehole. 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings, Montana.
Bédard L.P. and Barnes S.-J., 2002. Ruthenium recovery in chromitites by NiS-fire Assay. 9th International Platinum Symposium. Billings, Montana.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Li C., 2002. A re-evaluation of the role of crustal contamination in the formation of magmatic sulfides in the Bushveld Complex. 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings, Montana.
Nabil H. and Barnes S.-J., 2002. Is there a platinum-group element-oxide connection? CRPG-CNRS – Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteorite samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes, Nancy, France, 26-28 August, p.49.
Pasva J., Barnes S.-J. and Vymazolova A., 2002. Can we use mantle normalization and metal ratios for identification of PGE sources in metal-rich black shales? 16th International Sedimentological Congress, Windhoek, Namibia, abstract vol. 2002, IAGOD.
Peregoedova A., Barnes S.-J. and Baker D., 2002. The formation of Pt and Ir minerals in base metal sulfides: Effects of sulfur fugacity and composition. 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings, Montana.
Peregoedova A., Barnes S.-J. and Baker D., 2002. The formation of Cu-Pd rich sulfide melts by partial melting of Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides induced by decreasing fS2. CRPG-CNRS – Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteorite samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes, Nancy, France, 26-28 August, p.49.
Peregoedova A., Barnes S.-J. and Baker D., 2002. Formation of the Ru-Os alloys and laurite (RuOs)S2 in the presences of monosulfide solid solution and sulfide liquid in the system Fe-Ni-Cu-S. CRPG-CNRS – Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteorite samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes, Nancy, France, 26-28 August, p.50.
Prichard H.M., Barnes S.-J., Maier W.D. and Fisher P.C., 2002. Variations in the PGM in a cross section through the Merensky Reef at Impala mines. 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings, Montana.
Roelofse F., Maier W.D. and Barnes, S.-J., 2002. The concentration of the PGE in South African komatiites: Implications for mantle sources and melting regime CRPG-CNRS – Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteorite samples: implications for planetary differentiation and igneous processes, Nancy, France, 26-28 August. p.56.
Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2001. The origin of normal Merensky Reef from Impala platinum mines, Bushveld Complex. 6th Biennial SGA-SEG meeting. Swets and Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse, The Netherlands, 641-643.
Barnes S.-J., 2001. Exploring for a platinum-group element deposit. CIM Mine Space meeting, Quebec, Canada, April. Invited talk.
Maier W.D., Barnes S.-J. and Marsh J., 2001. Platinum-group elements in flood basalts of southern Africa. 6th Biennial SGA-SEG meeting. Swets and Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse, The Netherlands, 670-673.
Nabil H. and Barnes S.-J., 2001. Oxides in the Sept-Iles Intrusion, Quebec. 6th Biennial SGA-SEG meeting. Swets and Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse, The Netherlands, 611-614.
Barnes S.-J. and Maier W.D., 2000. The distribution of the platinum-group and chalcophile elements in the Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex. Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford, 4-8 September, J. Conference Abst, 5 (2), 196.
Bédard L.P. and Barnes S.-J., 2000. Comparison of precision of FA-INAA and FA-ICP-MS for platinum group elements. Geoanalysis 2000, 79-80 Nancy, 28-31 August.
Barnes S.-J., Melezhik V.A. and Stanislav V., 1999. Chalcophile element concentrations in the Pechenga sulphides: Comparison with the Cape Smith Sulphides. Rouyn-99 Abstract vol, p. 5.
Lafrance J., Sawyer E.W., Barnes S.-J. and Severson M.J., 1999. Mechanism of contamination at Dunka Rd. Rouyn-99 Abstract vol, p. 18.
Lahaye Y., Barnes S.-J., Lambert D.D. and Frick L.R., 1999. Re-Os isotopic and trace element study of komatiitic volcanism and implications for magmatic sulphide formation in the southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Rouyn-99,Abstract Vol, p. 17.
Huss L., Fredette J., Barnes S.-J. and Hebert C., 1999. Ni-Cu occurrences of the northern part of the Lac-St-Jean anorthosite massif. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Sudbury, Ontario, Program with abstracts volume 24, A55.
Lafrance J., Sawyer E.W., Barnes S.-J. and Severson M., 1999. Physical processes of the contamination of mafic magmas by crustal material in the layered igneous complex of Duluth, Minnesota. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Sudbury, Ontario, Program with abstracts volume 24, A66.
Baker D., Barnes S.-J. and Bernier F., 1998. Vapour transport of S into mafic melts. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Program with abstracts volume 23, A-7, Quebec city, May.
Barnes S.-J., 1998. Possible causes of high Pd/Pt, Pd/Ir, Rh/Ir Pd/Os ratios in sulphide ores. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Program with abstracts volume 23, A-9, Quebec city, May.
Barnes S.-J. and Thériault, R.D., 1998. The influence of assimilation and cooling rate on the composition of magmatic sulphides: Examples from Muskox and Duluth. 17th General Meeting of International Mineralogical Association, Toronto, August, Abstract vol. A5.
Barnes S.-J. and Thériault, R.D., 1998. The influence of assimilation and cooling rate on the composition of magmatic sulphides: examples from Muskox and Duluth. 8th International Platinum Conference, Rustenburg, June 28-July 3, SA Inst Mining Symposium Series, S18, p.29.
Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1998. Platinum-group elements in the Lower, Critical and Main Zones of the Bushveld Complex. 8th International Platinum Conference, Rustenburg, June 28-July 3., SA Inst Mining Symposium Series, S18, p. 221-223.
Nabil H., Barnes S.-J. et Clark C., 1998. Indice de Ni-Cu-Co du Lac Volant: Mise en place dans un contexte semblable à Voisey’s Bay, aux indices Grenvilliens et Sveconorgewian. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Québec, Canada, Mai, Programme et résumés, vol. 23, A-9, A-132.
Thériaul R. and Barnes S.-J., 1998. Compositional variations in Cu-Ni-PGE sulfides of the Dunka Road deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting Québec, Canada, May, Program with abstracts volume 23 A-184.
Vaillancourt C., Barnes S.-J., and Hebert C., 1998. Lac Kenogami Ni-Cu occurrence and its possible relationship to other occurrences in the Grenville and the Sveconorwegian. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting Quebec, Canada, May, Program with abstracts volume 23, A-188.
Barnes S.-J., 1997. Exploration methods for Ni-Cu sulphide ores. 10e congrès annuel de l’APGGQ, Rimouski, 16-17 Avril, p.78.
Barnes S.-J., 1997. Why are Pd/Pt, Rh/Pt, Pd/Ir and Pd/Os ratios higher in sulfide ores than in mafic and ultramafic magmas? AGU, San Francisco EOS, 78 (46), F799.
Barnes S.-J., Achterbergh E. and Makovicky E., 1997. Partitioning of Ni, Cu and PGE among monosulphide solid solution, sulphide liquid and metal alloys. EAG-Workshop The origin and fractionation of the highly siderophile elements in the earth’s mantle. Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemie, Mainz 14-16 May, p 16-17. Invited talk.
Bandyayera D., Barnes S.-J. and Higgins M.D., 1997. Mode de distribution des métaux du groupe du platine, du nickel, du cuivre de l’or et deséléments des terres rares dans les profils latéritiques du complexe Musongati, Burundi. 10e colloque de l’association des étudiants diplomés en Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada.
Nabil H., Barnes S.-J. and Clark T., 1997. Étude géochimique et métallogénique de l’indice Cu-Ni-Co du Lac Volant, dans la région de Sept-Iles, Québec. 10e colloque de l’association des étudiants diplomés en Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada.
Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1997. Platinum-group elements in silicate rocks of the Lower, Critical and Main Zones of the Western Bushveld Complex. EAG-Workshop The origin and fractionation of the highly siderophile elements in the Earth’s mantle. Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemie, Mainz 14-16 May, p. 49-50.
Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1997. REE distributions in the Lower and Main Zones of the Bushveld Complex. Mantle Plumes Conference, Pretoria, April.
Nabil H., Barnes S.-J. and Clarke T., 1997. The metallogeny of the Lac Volant Cu-Ni-Co occurrence, Sept-Iles Region. GAC-MAC, Ottawa 19-21 May, A-107.
Bandayera D., Barnes S.-J. and Higgins M.D., 1996. Layered and ophiolitic petrogenetic hypotheses from sulphide and chromite geochemistry: An example from Musongati Ultramafic Complex, Burundi. IGCP Project 336, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Barnes S.-J., 1996. Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits of the Cape Smith Fold belt, Northern Quebec. GAC-MAC, Program with Abstracts, 21, A-7.
Barnes S.-J., 1996. Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits of the Cape Smith Fold belt, Northern Quebec. APGGQ.
Barnes S.-J., Maier W.D., de Klerk W.J., Teigler B. and Mitchell A.A., 1996. Cu/Pd and Cu/Pt ratios of silicate rocks in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Implications for PGE-exploration. IGCP Project 336, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Barnes S.-J. Makovicky E., Griffin W.L. and Li C., 1996. Factors effecting the partition coefficients of metals between monosulphide solid solution and sulphide liquid. IGCP Project336, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1996. Cu/Pd and Cu/Pt ratios of silicate rocks in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Implications forage-exploration. GAC-MAC, Program with Abstracts, 21, A-61.
Barnes S.-J., Sevensen M. and Zientek M., 1995. Controls on the composition of the sulfide ores associated with intraplate magmatism. IGCP Project 336, Proceedings, Duluth, MN, 11-14.
Barnes S.-J. and Francis D., 1995. Platinum-group elements, nickel, copper and gold in the Muskox Intrusion of the North West Territories, Canada. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, Abstracts Vol. 20, A-5.
Barnes S.-J., Makovicky E., Karup-Moller S., Makovicky M. and Rose-Hansen J., 1995. Partition coefficients in the Fe-Ni-Cu-PGE-S system. GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, Abstracts Vol. 20, A-5.
Li C. and Barnes S.-J., 1995. Partitioning of Ni, Cu and PGE between MSS and liquid: Effects of composition and temperature, and application to magmatic sulfide deposits. IGCP Project 336, Proceedings, Duluth, Minnesota, 107.
Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1995. The Caraiba Cu deposit, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. Where is the Ni? IGCP Project 336, Proceedings, Duluth, Minnesota, 119-120.
Shirey S.B. and Barnes S.-J., 1995. Os-Nd isotope systematics of ultramafic-mafic magmatism: Cape Smith fold belt and mid-continental rift system. IGCP Project 336, Proceedings, Duluth, Minnesota, 175-176.
Thériault R.D., Barnes S.-J. and Severson M.J., 1995. The role of assimilation in the genesis of the Dunka Road Cu-Ni-PGE deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota. IGCP Project 336, Proceedings, Duluth, Minnesota, 191-192.
Sa H.S., Prichard H.M., Fisher P. and Barnes S.-J., 1995. PGE concentrations in the Rio Jacare Intrusion, Bahia, Brazil. Mineral Deposit Study Group Meeting, Cardiff, Wales.
Bandyayera D., Barnes S.-J. and Higgins M.D., 1994. What caused PGE supergene enrichment in nickeliferous laterites of Musongati Complex, Burundi? International Platinum Conference, Moscow, August.
Bandyayera D., Barnes S.-J. and Higgins M.D., 1994. Platinum-group elements in the nickeliferous laterites of Musongati, Burundi. GAC-MAC Waterloo, Abstract vol. 19, A12.
Barnes S.-J., Makovicky E., Makovicky M., Rose-Hansen J., 1994. Partition coefficients for Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Rh and Ir between monosulphide solid solution and sulphide liquid and the implications for the formation of compositionally zoned Ni-Cu sulphide bodies by fractional crystallization of sulphide liquid. Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburgh, Aug 28-Sep 2, 58, 51-52.
Makovicky E., Barnes S.-J. and Karup-Moller S., 1994. PGE containing phase systems and PGE distribution coefficients for magmatic sulfide deposits. International Mineralogy Meeting, Pisa, 4-9 September.
Shirey S.B. and Barnes S.-J., 1994. Re-Os and Sm-Nd isotopic constraints on basaltic volcanism and magmatic sulfide formation in the Cape Smith Foldbelt, Quebec. Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburgh, Aug 28-Sep 2.
Thériault R. and Barnes S.-J., 1994. Magmatic sulphides of the Dunka Road Ni-Cu deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota: Product of coupled assimilation and fractional crystallization. GAC-MAC, Waterloo, A112.
Bandyayera D., Barnes S.-J. and Higgins, M.D., 1993. The distribution of platinum-group elements in the Musongati laterite of Brundi. IAGOD, Ore deposits in mafic and ultramafic rocks, Orleans, 1-3 September.
Barnes S.-J. and Francis D., 1993. The distribution of platinum-group elements, nickel, copper and gold in the Muskox Intrusion of the North West Territories, Canada. IAGOD, Ore deposits in mafic and ultramafic rocks, Orleans, 1-3 September.
Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W., Mainville M. and Bouchaib C., 1993. PGE-bearing nickel-copper sulfide occurrences in a rifted Archean island arc, Belleterre-Angliers Belt, Pontiac sub-province. GAC-MAC annual meeting, Edmonton, 17-19 May, Abstracts 18.
Mainville M. and Barnes S.-J., 1993. Geochemistry of komatiites and tholeiites in the Baby Group, Pontiac Sub-province. GAC-MAC annual meeting, Edmonton, 17-19 May, Abstracts 18.
Sa J.H.S., Barnes S.-J., Prichard H.M. and Bowles J.F.W., 1993. Platinum-Palladium in iron-rich rocks of Rio Jacare Complex, Bahia, Brazil. Encontro Brasileiro Sobre Elementos do Grupo da Platina, Brazil, 12-14 April.
Gillies S.L., Lesher C.M., Barnes S.-J and Coutts A., 1993. Geochemical modeling of magmatic Fe-Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfides, Katinniq deposit, Cape Smith Belt, New Quebec. Geological Society of America, October.
Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W. and Mainville M., 1992. The Belleterre-Angliersbelt – A rifted island-arc? Lithoprobe Abitibi-Grenville Workshop IV, Montréal, Canada, December.
Barnes S.-J., Picard C., Giovenazzo D. and Trembley C., 1992. The composition of nickel-copper sulphide deposits and their host rocks from the Cape Smith Fold Belt, Northern Quebec. IGCP Meeting 336, Intraplate Magmatism and Metallogeny, Sudbury, October.
Barnes S.-J., Picard C., Giovenazzo D. and Trembaly C., 1992. Modelling of the Cape Smith sulphide deposits by sulphide segregation from komatiitic basalt. AGU, Montreal, May, EOS Trans 73 (14), 344.
Bouchaib C., Barnes S.-J and Sawyer E.W., 1992. The effects of deformation on the distribution of Cu, Ni, Co, PGE, Au, Ag and An within the Lorraine Mine sulfides. AGU, Montreal, May, EOS Trans 73 (14), 144.
Hauck S., Severson M.J., Zanko L., Barnes S.-J, Morton P., Alminas H.V. and Dahlberg., 1992. A review of sulfide, platinum-group element and oxide mineralization along the western contact of the Duluth Complex. IGCP Meeting 336 Intraplate Magmatism and Metallogeny, Sudbury, October.
Lui J., Woussen G., Barnes S.-J., Xie X. and Xie H., 1992. The mantle sources of the lamproites, basantites and trachybasalts from Hunan-Guangxi Provinces, Southern China. AGU EOS Trans, 73 (14), 337.
Mainville M. and Barnes S.-J., 1992. Pillowed komatiites of the Baby Group, western Quebec. GAC-MAC, Wolfville, May.
Pellet T. and Barnes S.-J., 1992. Petrography of the Dore Lake intrusion, Chibougamau Area. GAC-MAC, Wolfville, May.
Barnes S.-J. and Picard C., 1991. Chukotat komatiitic basalts of Northern Quebec. 6th International Platinum Conf., Perth, July.
Barnes S.-J. and Picard C., 1991. Platinum-group elements in the Chukotat komatiitic basalts of the Cape Smith Fold Belt. GAC-MAC, Toronto, May.
Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W., Mainville M. and Bouchaib C., 1991. Reconnaissance results from the Angliers-Belleterre Belt. Lithoprobe Workshop III, Montreal, November.
Barnes S.-J., Tremblay C. and Couture J-F., 1991. The use of Cu/Pd and Se/Pd ratios in prospecting for a PGE deposit – Examples from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. GAC-MAC, Toronto, May.
Lui J. Woussen G., Barnes S.-J. and Xie X., 1991. The inland Alkali subvolcanic rocks of southern China. GAC-MAC, Toronto, May.
Pellet T. and Barnes S.-J., 1991. The Bell River Intrusion, Matagami Area, Quebec. EUG, Strasbourg, April.
Pellet T. and Barnes S.-J., 1991. The Bell River Intrusion, Matagami Area, Quebec. GAC-MAC, Toronto, May.
Picard C.P. and Barnes S.-J., 1991. The influence of progressive decompression melting on the PGE content of komatiitic basalts of the Cape Smith fold belt, northern Quebec. 6th International Platinum Conf., Perth, July.
Barnes S.-J., 1990. Can we numerically model cumulate rocks? Friends of Igneous Rocks, Oregon State University, August.
Barnes S.-J., 1990. The modeling of platinum-group elements in komatiites. Goldschmidt Conference, Baltimore, May.
Barnes S.-J. and Couture, J.-F., 1990. Platinum-group elements in the Quebec portion of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. CIM, Rouyn-Noranda, May.
Barnes S.-J., Couture J.-F. and Tremblay C., 1990. Platinum-group elements in rocks from the western portion of the Quebec Abitibi Greenstone Belt. IAGOD, Ottawa, August.
Bédard L.P., Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W. and Chown E.H., 1990. Comparison between an Archean pluton of the northern Abitibi Greenstone Belt (Canada) and the America’s west coast batholiths. 3rd Archean Conference, Perth, September.
Bédard L.P., Barnes S.-J., Chown E.H. et Sawyer E.W., 1990. Caractérisation géochimique et contexte tectonique du pluton Houghton (Abitibi nord). ACFAS, Québec, Avril.
Barnes S.-J., 1989. Are Spinifex textured rocks crescumulates? Friends of Igneous Rocks. University of Ottawa, 23-24 August.
Barnes S.-J. and Giovenazzo D., 1989. Platinum-group elements in the Bravo Intrusion, Cape Smith Fold Belt, Northern Quebec. 5th International Platinum Symposium, Helsinki, August. Bull. Geol. Soc., Finland, 61, 22.
Barnes S.-J. and Often M., 1989. Noble metal concentrations in Karasjok Komatiites. GAC-MAC, Montreal, May.
Bédard L.P., Chown E.H. and Barnes S.-J., 1989. Geochemistry of Archean monzodiorites of Chibougamau Area. Precambrian Granites, Helsinki, August.
Bédard L.P., Chown E.H. and Barnes S.-J., 1989. Geochemistry of Archean monzodiorites of Chibougamau Area. GAC-MAC, Montreal, May.
Giovenazzo D., Guha J. and Barnes S.-J., 1989. Characteristics of remobilised Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: The D-8 and D-9 zones Delta Region, Ungava Trough. 5th International Platinum Symposium, Helsinki, August, Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland, 61, 27.
Picard C.P., Giovenazzo D. and Barnes S.-J., 1989. Magmatic controls on the platinum group elements in volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Cape Smith Belt (New Quebec, Canada). 5th International Platinum Symposium, Helsinki, August. Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland, 61, 29.
Tremblay C. and Barnes S.-J., 1989. Platinum-group elements in Mequillon dyke, Ungava Trough, New Quebec. GAC-MAC, Montreal, May.
Barnes S.-J., 1988. The effects of partial melting, crystal fractionation and sulphide segregation on Ni/Pd, Cu/Rh and Cu/Pt ratios: With examples from Norway and Quebec. Goldschmidt Conference, Hunt Valley, 11-14 May.
Barnes S.-J. and Often, M., 1988. Are type II komatiites formed by crustal contamination rather than by garnet segregation? Inter. Cong. Geochem. Cosmochem., Paris, Aug. 29-Sep 2.
Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W., Boyd R. and Tucker B., 1988. The tectonic setting of the Rana Layered Intrusion. GAC-MAC-CSPG, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 23-25 May.
Boyd R., Tucker R.D. and Barnes S.-J., 1988. A U-Pb zircon age for Tehrani mafic-ultramafic intrusion and its implications for the timing of deformation and metamorphism in the Narvik Nappe Complex. Nordisk Vintermote, Kobenhaven, January.
Couture J.-F. et Barnes S.-J., 1988. Les EPG en Abitibi: Une ressource à découvrir. Colloque du Ministère Énergie et Ressources, Québec, 30 novembre.
Giovenazzo D., Guha J., Barnes S.-J. and Picard C., 1988. Timing of sulfide mineralization and PGE concentration in the Delta Sills, Ungava Trough, New-Quebec. GAC-MAC-CSPG, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 23-25 May.
Sawyer E.W. and Barnes S.-J., 1988. Differences between subsolidus and anatectic migmatite leucosomes from the Quetico Metasedimentary Belt, Canada. GAC-MAC-CSPG, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 23-25 May.
Barnes S.-J., 1987. Investigation of the potential of the Tverrfjell portion of the Rana Intrusion for a platinum group element deposit. 5thMagmatic Sulphides Field Conference, IGCP 161, Zimbabwe, 3-13 August.
Barnes S.-J., 1987. The tectonic setting of the Rana layered intrusion and its implications for platinum mineralization. Indaba on the tectonic settings of layered intrusives, University of Pretoria, July 27-August 1.
Barnes S.-J. and Often,M. 1987. The geochemistry of Proterozoic komatiites from northern Norway. Proterozoic Geochemistry – IGCP 217,Lund,3-6 June.
Barnes S.-J., Boyd R., Kornelliussen A, Nilssen L.-P., Often M., Pedersen R.-B. and Robins B., 1987. The use of noble and base metal ratios in the interpretation of ultramafic and mafic rocks, examples from Norway. Geo-platinum 87 Symposium, Open University, Milton Keynes, April.
Barnes S.-J., Boyd R. and Gronlie A., 1987. Noble metal geochemistry of some nickel-copper deposit in the Sveconorwegian and Caledonian Orogens in Norway. Geo-platinum 87 Symposium, Open University, Milton Keynes, April.
Barnes S.-J., Boyd R. and Gronlie A., 1986. Edelmetall geokjemi i noenNorske nikkel-kobberforekomstere. Norsk. Geol. Forenings Landsmote, Trondheim, NTH.
Barnes S.-J., 1986. Platinum-group elements in the Tverrfjell portion of Tehrani Layered Intrusion, Nordland, Norway. Terra cognita, 7th IAGOD meeting, Lulea, Sweden, August, 6, 559.
Barnes S.-J., 1986. Temperatures and pressures from the Rana Layered Intrusion, Nordland, Norway. 17e Nordiska Geologmotet Helsinki University, 12-15 May.
Barnes S.-J 1986. A model for the formation of clinopyroxene spinifex-texured komatiite flows from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. 17e Nordiska Geologmotet, Helsinki University, 12-15 May.
Barnes S.-J, and Naldrett, A.J., 1985. The fractionation of the platinum-group elements at the Alexo komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Northern Ontario. 4th International Platinum Symposium, University of Toronto, July-August, Can. Miner., 23, 295.
Barnes S.-J., Gorton M.P. and Naldrett A.J., 1982. Platinum-group elements in Abitibi komatiites. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, May, Abstract, EOS, 63 (18), 454.
Barnes S.-J., Naldrett A.J. and Gorton M.P., 1981. Platinum-group elements in Abitibi komatiites. Abstract, Ontario Geological Survey Research Seminar, 2 December.
Barnes S.-J. and Sawyer E.W., 1980. Plate tectonics in the Pan-African: The Damara Mobile Belt, Namibia. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, Toronto, May, EOS, 61 (17).