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C.V. Sarah-Jane Barnes Professor emerita  
06/2017-09/2020 Full Professor specializing in igneous petrology and economic geology, UQAC
06/2003-06/2017 Canada Research Chair in Magmatic Ore Deposits, UQAC
07/1995-06/2003 Full Professor specializing in igneous petrology and economic geology., UQAC
06/1992-06/1995 Professor, specializing in igneous petrology  and economic geology, UQAC
08/1986-06/1992 Assistant Professor, specializing in igneous petrology and economic geology, UQAC
07/1984-07/1986 Post-doctoral fellow with the Norwegian Council for Industrial and Scientific Research, based at the Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, studying the Caladonide Rana Layered Intrusion for a platinum deposit.
08/1983-07/1984 Assistant professor (sabbatical replacement) University of Toronto, teaching igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary petrology to 3 ‘rd year students.
01/1976-04/1979 Geologist with the Geological Survey of South West Africa.
08/2002 – 08/2003 CNRS, Nancy, France
02/1994 – 07/1994 Monash University, Australia
08/1993 – 02/1994 University of Copenhagen
1983 Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, for a thesis entitled, The Origin of the Platinum Group Element Fractionation in Archean Komatiites of the Abitibi Belt, Northern Ontario.
1979 M.Sc. from the University of Cape Town for a thesis entitled, Serpentinites in Central South West Africa/Namibia.
1978 Higher Diploma of Library Science, from the University of South Africa, after a three year correspondence course
1975 B.Sc. (Hons) majoring in Geology and Chemistry, from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
1971 Matric, High School for Young Ladies, Potchefstroom.
2020 Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
2020 Duncan Derry Medal –  the Mineral Deposits Division of Geological Association of Canada for contributions to Ore deposit modeling in Canada.  Derry medal
2018 13th International Platinum Symposium – Award for outstanding contribution to research on PGE-Cu-Ni deposits.
2016 Jean Descarreaux Prize –  L’Association de l’exploration minière du Québec  Prix JD 
2015 SEG Distinguished Lecturer SEG
2013 Best paper Mineralium Deposita  Award Best Paper
2007 Mineralogical Association Canada Past-Presidents Medal MAC
1994 Gross medal awarded by the Mineral Deposits Division of Geological Association of Canada for contributions to Ore deposit modeling in Canada Gross medal
 Other Acitivies
1997 – aujourd’hui I set up a list server (mag-sul) for the geologist studying ore deposits in mafic and ultramafic rocks. There are about 300 subscribers.
2022 Member of the organizing committee for the 14th International Platinum Symposium
2021 Co-editor of Special Issue of Economic Geology  resulting from 14th Ni symposium
2020 Co-organizer of 14th Ni sypmosium  via zoom
2000 – 2017  Member of DIVEX committee. DIVEX is a network of Quebec universities looking at diversing the exploration techniques in Quebec.
2014 Member of the organizing comittee for 12th International Pt Symposium, Russia
2012 Co-editor of a special issue of Chemical Geology, which published papers from the 11th International Platinum Symposium.
2006-2009 Councilor for the Society of Economic Geologists.
1998-2002 Co-leader with Mike Lesher (Laurentian University) of IGCP project 427 – Dynamics of magmatic Ore systems. This was a five year international project with the aim of encouraging meetings, field trips and collaborations between geologists with expertise in nickel and platinum ore deposits.
1998-2002 Editor of Economic Geology.
2002 Acted as editor for the special issue of Canadian Mineralogist in which we published the papers from the Rouyn meeting.
2001 As part of IGCP 427 initiated a 12 day field trip to the Skaergaard intrusion of northern Greenland in September 2001. The trip was led by Jens Andersen of Cambourne School of Mines and Neil Irivine of Carneige Institute.
1999 Organised the Ni-field symposium in Rouyn-Noranda, which approximately 50 people from 12 countries attended. In addition to the meeting there were 10 days of field trips to the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and to the Raglan Ni-sulfide deposits of northern Quebec.
1999 Member of the FCAR New Researchers committee.
1995-1998 Member of NSERC 08 committee.
1992-1994 Councilor Canadian Mineralogist.
1991-1993 Member of the Canadian Deep Continental Drilling Committee.
1990 Guest editor for Canadian Mineralogist special issue on advances in the study of PGE.

Titre à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi